Meaning & Symbolism of the Color Pink
Pink is the color of happiness and is sometimes seen as lighthearted.
Brighter pinks are youthful, fun and exciting while vibrant pinks have the same high energy as red. They are sensual and passionate without being too aggressive.
Toning down the passion of red with the purity of white results in the softer pinks that are associated with romance and the blush of a young woman's cheeks.
It's not surprising that when giving or receiving flowers pink blossoms are a favorite.
For women who are often overworked and overburdened, an attraction to pink may speak to a desire for the more carefree days of childhood.
The Effects of the Color Pink
How the color pink affects us physically and mentally
Stimulates energy
Can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate
Encourages action and confidence
Pink has been used in prison holding cells to effectively to reduce erratic behavior
Colorful Phrases: Pink
Tickled Pink: to be happy.
In the Pink: in good health; This phrase hasn't always had this meaning see what it originally meant
Pinking Shears: scissors with serrated blades.
A Pink Elephant: term to describe hallucinations during intoxication.
Pinkie Finger: the smallest finger on the human hand.
Pink Slip: notice that employment is ending.
Pink Collar: refers to a particular class of jobs once only filled by women.
Songs With Pink in the Title
* "Mr. Pink Eyes" by The Cure on The Lovecats single
* "My Pink Half of the Drainpipe" by The Bonzo Dog Band
* "Pink" by Aerosmith
* "Pink & Blue" by OutKast on The Love Below
* "Pink Cadillac" by Bruce Springsteen
* "Pink Cashmere" by Prince on The Hits 1
* "A Pink Dream" by The Cure on the Mint Car single
* "Pink Bubbles go ape" by Helloween
* "Pink Bullets" by The Shins
* "Pink Elephant" by Cherry Poppin' Daddies
* "Pink Houses" by John Cougar Mellencamp
* "Pink Killer" by Dir en grey
* "Pink Maggit" by Deftones
* "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake on Pink Moon
* "Pink Orange Red" by Cocteau Twins on Stars and Topsoil
* "Pink Panther Theme" by Henry Mancini